Insanity... 1/20/2006 6:20:00 AM
Apparently, there are eight (count 'em, eight!) patents on my dress shirt.

Suddenly, I feel a lot better about my patent for copying clipart. 


+ Comment
andrewb I heard the costs associated with the patent on sleeves is why so many poor people wear tank tops.
Leila what?
Eric hehe...
Rachel You actually looked this up? Crazy!
Eric The list of patents is on the tag.
leila you can patent shirts? how do you find out about patents on shirts? what happens, you get to sue people? or does your boss pay you more per # of patents? i'm confused.
andrewb I am in the process of patenting several techniques for wearing a shirt. Anyone wearing a shirt the same way I do will have to pay me royalties.

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