We're moving into the new house! Pictures: http://ericlaw.officeisp.net/house/ Video (15mb): http://www.ericlawrence.com/images/house.wmv
A breakup letter for IE: http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-5455092.html. We're working hard to spruce up our old friend.
About 300 pictures from Europe posted. Some even have captions. :-)
Did you know hurricanes increase strawberry Pop Tarts sales 7-fold? http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/14/business/yourmoney/14wal.html
So, to buy a house, I've sold all of my shares of Microsoft. The price has gone up about $1500 since I sold in October. Sigh.
If you've used SlickRun or PopupPopper, please rate them or write a review on the new Windows Marketplace. Thanks!
Top Ten President Bush Explanations For The Bulge In His Jacket 10. "It's connected to an earpiece so Cheney can feed me answers--crap, I wasn't supposed to say that." 9. "It's a device that shocks me every time I mispronounce a word." 8. "Just a bunch of intelligence memos I haven't gotten around to reading yet." 7. "Mmm, delicious Muenster cheese." 6. "John Kerry initially voted for the bulge in my jacket, then voted against it." 5. "I'll tell you exactly what it is--it's a clear sign this econonmy is moving again." 4. "Halliburton is drilling my back for oil." 3. "Oh like you've never cheated in a presidential debate. 2. "Accidentally took some of Governer Schwarzenegger's 'roids." 1. "If Kerry's gonna look like a horse, then I'm gonna look like a camel."
And yes, this officially means you've now got a friend on the IE team to complain to. ;-)
I'll be leaving for Europe in the morning... two weeks... exciting stuff. In terms of technology, I'm bringing my Rio Carbon and my Dell Axim... No email for two weeks, it's going to be a very different experience. Wish me luck! ;-)
In case any more of you were wondering, alas, no, I do not sell Korean ducks. Sorry for any inconvenience.
This just made my day! http://www.hanselman.com/blog/PermaLink.aspx?guid=9cb23a8d-0a0a-4092-b284-f94297fdf0b1
I've been listening to this for a few years now. Good stuff. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/karenwalters
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/ap/20040805/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bushism "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said. "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
There's something for both sides here, and it's pretty funny. (Discretion advised-- Probably shouldn't watch at work :-)
The expression "the die is cast" means that the outcome is now up to fate... but what is the literal meaning? I can think of two possible meanings... 1> The die (singular of dice) has been cast (thrown) or 2> The die (the stamp from which another object is molded) has been cast (made). Both literal meanings imply the same figurative meaning... Weird, isn't it?
I was picking up some CDs at a used CD store this morning while waiting to get my hair cut. On my way to checkout at the front, a customer came in and approached the counter. I stopped to spin a rack of about 200 deep discount CDs (1$) until the guy is done with the clerk. Customer: Do you have the Rick Fante album? Eric: <something subconsciously clicks> Clerk: Hrm... Never heard of him.... but that doesn't mean we don't have it. Lemme look. <types> Nope. The computer's never heard of him either. That either means that the CD isn't available from the manufacturer, or it's out of production. Customer: Oh. Really? Clerk: Yeah. Lemme search the album name, just in case. <types> Nope. No listing of anything by that name. Eric: Uh, do you mean "Ricky Fante"? Guy: Yeah, that's it! Clerk: <types> Ah, found him. He doesn't seem to have anything published though. Weird. We couldn't order it, because we wouldn't know where to get it. Eric: <plucks CD out of rack> How about this one? Clerk: <looks up> What the...? Customer: <beams> Yeah, that's it! Clerk (to Eric): <amazed> Whoa! You are the man. <turns to customer> Clerk (to Guy): I never would have found that. We don't index the cheapo CDs. And you got really lucky-- this CD isn't out yet-- that one's the advance copy the record stores sent around. It's not even for sale yet. And when it is, it's $10.99. So you're getting it early, and for 90% off. Customer (to Eric): <beams> Thanks! Clerk (to Eric): How'd you do that, man? That's awesome. You're getting a discount! ...And I then proceeded to get two of my CDs for free. What are the odds?
Office had the morning off to go to the movies. Spiderman 2 was pretty good... better than the first, I'd say... and it explored an interesting questions-- how do we make time for what we love?
I've installed the RSS Aggregator "NewsGator" which allows me to subscribe to mentions of Bayden products. Check out this SlickRun ad in Chinese: http://mtgear.net/mt3/archives/2004/06/cn_launcher_uti.php ;-)
Eric: Did you use SlickRun during a presentation at TechEd? Someone registered and said they saw SlickRun during a MS presentation... ;-)
Anson: I almost always keep SlickRun running during my presentations because it gives me a chance to look at the time and make sure that I'm not about to go over :-). Occasionally someone will come up afterwards and ask what the little thing in the corner is.
Actually, it's pretty funny. I'm here in AL working with BellSouth. One of the developers working on the application that I'm helping out with runs SlickRun. He's like "have you seen this cool utility that I downloaded from the web?" Small world.
Eric Matthew Lawrence has been confirmed as Beta Tester for Halo 2
Sadly, the situation at the new apartment isn't so nice... we're going to try 56k dialup...
"Karyn is with us. A West Texas girl, just like me." So spoke the president, pointing out Sen. Bill Frist's wife in Nashville on Thursday. Here's the text of his remarks, which were otherwise largely about health care technology.
Gayle and I biked from Sammamish to Fremont yesterday... it was actually a pretty nice 33 mile ride on the Sammamish river trail and the Burke-Gilman trail around the northern edge of Lake Washington. We probably won't be doing it again anytime soon though... not until we get more comforable seats for the bikes, at least. :-) Oh... I suppose that I didn't mention that Gayle and I are now sharing an apartment in Fremont; it's a neighborhood on the north side of Seattle, a few blocks west of Lake Union. It's definitely very budget as apartments go, but it's actually a pretty nice location; just two blocks to the canal and some cool eateries and shops. The commute sucks (35mins?) but it's honestly not that bad with an MP3 player in the car. I think I'm warming up to the idea of city living, although I'm also keeping my place in Sammamish until November. Alas, I'm at work today-- Memorial day or no, my intern (John) arrives tomorrow and I haven't put together the plan for his summer project yet. Wish me luck!
Shrek II-- Pretty funny, but mostly just amazing to look at. Computer generated characters have come a long way in the last few years.
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/23/weekinreview/23lyma.html?pagewanted=1 If Republicans can make insinuations about Mr. Kerry's manliness, and go so far as to call him French, then turnabout is fair play, said Mark Katz, a humorist who served as a speechwriter for President Clinton. Remember, he said, when President Bush showed up with a bandage on his head after he collapsed while watching television and eating pretzels? "My proposal is that the Kerry campaign run a 30-second ad which is nothing but John Kerry sitting on a couch and eating pretzels without involving paramedics at all," Mr. Katz said. "Guys can't help but be impressed by that, if he can get to the bottom of a bag of pretzels without someone having to call an ambulance."
I suppose the old saw is true; in a Democracy, you get the government that you deserve. Please vote this fall... and get everyone you know to vote too! (This is scary as hell: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19040-2004May11.html)
I'll be on the road from Thursday morning to Sunday night... Phoenix, west to California, and then north along the coast. Should be fun, and hopefully I'll get some pictures? Assuming the car makes it, I guess. Think cool thoughts! ;-)
Another weekend has passed... And nothing of note took place. I wrote a tiny scrap of code... I lost at Halo on Irfaan's insane 14 foot screen... I watched Kill Bill Vol 1 (bloody) and Mean Girls (Sorta funny, but too laden with meaning to be great)... I also caught up on TiVo... mostly, that is... That thing is an uncaring slavemaster... Watch more TV! You're missing your favorite shows!! it insists. I bought 4 books this weekend... 3 are related to work, and one is a trashy piece of fiction. I think I might be developing an appreciation for the writing quality one finds in real literature... even if the plots aren't as interesting.
Eric: Hello? Guy: Hey, is this the ex-pirate guy? Eric: Excuse me? Guy: Is this the ex-pirate guy? Eric: Uh... I think you have the wrong number. Guy: Oh, sorry.click Strange day.
I see two possibilities here:
I'll be in Maryland for the Friday-Monday weekend. I'll have my cell.
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