Ever have a day like an episode of the X-Files? About a month ago, I had a dream that I lived in the desert and I noticed an odd flash from the desert while driving. I'd stopped by the side of the road and noticed something weird-- a little mirror had been attached to a scraggly tree near a large highway sign. Convinced that there was something creepy going on, I notified the news media (yeah, that's right, apparently I go to them first) who came to investigate. We couldn't figure out anything obvious use for the thing so I took it down and forgot about it. Today, I woke up after 4 hours of sleep, in the middle of a dream. This itself is a bit creepy, since I almost never recall my dreams, and I basically never wake up without an alarm clock. Again, I'm living in the desert. I notice the same flash, and so I stop. The little mirror is back. This time, I notice, there's a VCR bolted to the back of the highway sign. WTF? I quickly notice another mirror, and a camera neatly buried in the ground, pointed into the nearest mirror. Why on earth would anyone want to videotape the highway like this? I try to call the police, but (this being a dream) nothing obvious comes of it, except my paranoia meter is off the charts. I go home (I'm apparently still living with Gayle) and relate the story to her; she seems to agree that something really creepy is going on. So, I get up to go call someone else, and I notice a little mirror on my porch, just like the one on the highway. And while I'm struggling with the door (which seems to be locked from the outside), I notice another little camera, pointed at the mirror pointed into my house. My cell phone refuses to dial out, and then I wake up. As I finished typing this entry, my laptop gave up the ghost (I hadn't recharged it since I flew back to town last night). As the power went out, I looked up and sure enough, it had died at exactly 9:11 am. <<cue the creepy music>> Spookily yours... -E < Eric's Blog Home |